The Simply Sofas Guide to Buying Dining Tables

Ronald Reagan once said that all great change begins at the dinner table. While that’s as may be, it’s unarguable that a good dining table can make the difference between being absorbed in conversation, and wondering when you can move some place more comfortable. Choosing one that ticks all the boxes, however, can be a challenge - you want something that is functional, stylish, durable, stable, well-suited to your decor, seats the right number of people… This guide will help you filter the choices to arrive at the table that’s right for your needs. Size The first thing to determine is the largest table you can comfortably fit in the space you’d like to place your dining table. This is to establish a set of “do-not-exceed” dimensions - anything smaller is never an issue. The best way to do this is to leave about 44 to 48 inches of space from the walls of your dining area, on all sides. This is required to allow people unhindered freedom of movement around the table. If there i...