Naturdeco. The room of the living world. MDW 2018 Report: Day 6

Flora and fauna come indoors with soft decoration, some more permanent. The world’s most industry-defining furniture makers introduce their new products at Milan during Design Week as a critical focal point in their calendars, marking the beginning of global trade for the new collections. While core products demand innovation and newness, creating perfect ambiences for them to be seen in is most difficult, since architects, designers and buyers from all continents, and hence various influences, are present. Nature has always been inspirational to human creativity, right from the time when the sun was first worshipped for bringing life giving warmth and light. And so it is at Milan Design Week 2018. Inspiration from Nature mitigates risk while triggering the instinctive comfort that we humans possess within. Here are key observations on Naturdeco, a new stylistic language in interiors: Tall plants, shrubs and small trees in pots with unusual, fancy planters. Elements from...